Outcomes, Accreditation and Assessment

Outcomes, Accreditation and Assessment

By the end of this course supervisors will: Evidence is provided of:
Be aware of power relations in supervision and the necessity of creating inclusive and participatory learning environments
  1. The development of strategies for creating inclusive and participatory learning environments.
  2. The consideration of issues of social justice in postgraduate education.
Be able to provide a learning environment that emphasises the importance of scholarship.
  1. Engagement with a scholarly community.
  2. Strategies to be employed to induct students into a scholarly community.
  3. The consideration of the supervisor’s own academic identity and its role in supervision competence.
Be able to use supervisory practices that enhance student development.
  1. Discussions and negotiations around the roles, responsibilities and expectations of the supervisor and the student.
  2. The exploration of the use of feedback to develop students and their research.
  3. Guidance given to students in the choice and application of appropriate methodologies.
  4. The consideration of ways in which student writing is supported and developed.
  5. The exploration of ways of guiding students in accessing, selecting and using relevant information
  6. The consideration of a range of approaches to supervision, including mentoring and coaching.
  7. The management of time, deadlines, resources, records and budgets.
In addition to meeting the assessment criteria above, the following should be taken into account:
Use of appropriate language and style Integration of formal academic and personal reflective writing
Use of appropriate referencing system Consistent and appropriate use of referencing
Coherence of structure Coherent reflective essay with the use of clear links between the essay and any appendices

Accreditation and Assessment


A Rhodes University short course certificate will be sent to those who successfully complete the course and assessment. The certificate is moderated and quality assured by Rhodes University and the CPC project logo and logos of all other partner universities appears on the certificate.


This course is assessed through a 6 to 8-page reflective essay. A range of tasks and activities throughout the five-week course will prepare participants for the final assessment.

The reflective essay must take course outcomes and assessment criteria into account. The assignment can be structured in whatever way participants prefer. For example, participants might wish to include any of the following:

  •         A reflection on experiences of being supervised or of undertaking supervision (if you have such experience).
  •         A reflection on global or regional issues affecting postgraduate supervision in your context.
  •         A reflection on national legislation and policy requirements affecting postgraduate supervision context.
  •         A reflection on university context, and the  institutional policies and culture.
  •         A reflection on disciplinary context and how that affects supervision.
  •         A reflection on personality and individual strengths and weaknesses.

Participants are expected to use concepts and readings from the course (and beyond) to reflect on their personal supervision context.

The draft assignment receives detailed formative feedback before the final summative version is submitted.