Creating Postgraduate Collaborations Forums CPC Supervision Development Course 2 Module 1 Module 1, Session 2: Supervision with a humanizing pedagogy

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  • Kabahima James Justus Kamukama
    Post count: 20

    Humanizing pedagogy is an interesting topic. However, most of the guidebooks and all discipline of research does not follow the contexts of individuals we interact with everyday. Whose background matters? The supervisor or the student- as both tend to be different and need to be handled as social beings

    Redempter Kiilu
    Post count: 3

    thanks for the pwer point presentation.Most of the issues tacled are common in our current scenarios.Althogh Social status is a factor that should not influence supervision,it often does

Viewing 2 posts - 46 through 47 (of 47 total)
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