Creating Postgraduate Collaborations Forums CPC Supervision Development Course 2 Module 4 Module 4, Session 3: Coaching and Mentoring

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  • Redempter Kiilu
    Post count: 3

    Mentoring is a sort of caring.It goes beyond coaching.In mentorship,the participants gets to understand one aother more deeply and go into depth discussing the issues at hand.In coaching,,its more of guiding to attain a certain level of achievement,and the relationship may end after the attainment of the goal.\In mentoring,its like a lifelong and continous care

    Rose Burugu
    Post count: 13

    Both coaching and mentorship are very important and essential for research students at different levels of their study. A supervisor needs to effectively use both interchangeably to allows the candidates have a nice academic experience throughout the programme. As some of the colleagues have noted, there is often a disconnect between candidates and supervisors especially when there seems to many differences between the two (supervisor-student). Such a relationship is often strained and hence makes students lag behind in progress. It is important that as basic ground rules are set from the onset of the program, each party must be clear of their roles and go an extra mile to support the process.

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