Creating Postgraduate Collaborations Forums CPC Supervision Development Course 2 Module 2 Module 2, Session 4: EPE resources’ assessment

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  • Washika Okonda Michael
    Post count: 12

    Thank You for sharing these resources. I find them very useful especially on why we make references. I found the points given more than what I would have mentioned. Keeping a record of searches is another important area that is less emphasized. The insight on the individual differences of students coming from different universities with a complete shift in approach as well as international students is paramount. It helps supervisors to make assumptions about students that would be detrimental to their progress.

    Zahda Yazid
    Post count: 8

    The website is resourceful; it provides Ph.D. researchers with the tools and skills they need to develop themselves academically and professionally. The areas covered are pertinent to the needs of novice researchers as well as experienced researchers.

    I think that some resources on the ontological and epistemological debates can widen the scope of researchers on how to approach research topics and know what methodology to use and why. I also believe adding some tutorials on writing proposals for research funds would be very useful as many researchers (including me) lack the skills required for writing such proposals.

    Kevin C. K. Ma
    Post count: 9

    The resources are exceptional and can really support postgraduates with their scholarship. It is particularly important to curate these resources in one place because many of the topics covered are only brought to the attention of PG when issues arise, which is way too late. It is also a good resource for supervisors to think about these issues and bring them up with students as early as possible.

    Tshilidzi Munzhelele
    Post count: 10

    I think strengthening postgraduate supervision by Mckenna S, is the best because it offers the ground experiences of supervision in a range of contexts in SA higher education.
    the article by asaaf of South Africa is not that relevant (The phd study) because it concentrate much on the phd supervision. I would suggest that more articles tha covers supervision from the groud level will be more appropriate.

    Nyiko Condry Ngobeni
    Post count: 4

    These resources helped me a lot to think about a more effective way to guide students through their study.

    Hellen wafula Kamwele 
    Post count: 9

    Having gone through the resources, i found them all very useful. The section on ” how examiners read a thesis’ was quite interesting as it highlighted the core sections and their relationships. This will guide my future process of examination.
    Guidelines on literature review and theoretical framework was very insightful and i will share with the students that am currently supervising to help them navigate through.
    How to write a conclusion was the most thought provoking as most students do not do the right thing. Now i know and they will benefit from this. thanks so much.

    Richwell Mhlanga
    Post count: 3

    I found all the resources available helpful, though the most overlooked areas of information literacy and thesis formatting caught my attention the most. Usually, these are ignored because supervisors assume that these are skills already acquired in previous degree studies, which in most cases is not like that. Postgraduate students are mostly from different backgrounds and their level of exposure to certain facilities or skills training also varies considerably. So I found these important resources for every postgrad supervisor to take note of, for the smooth flow of students’ research.

    Jeremia Jeremia
    Post count: 1

    I have learnt a lot about Enhancing Postgraduate Environments, about literature and reading journals.

    Rose Burugu
    Post count: 13

    most of the resources were very good and especially that on publishing, predatory journals and how to spot. i also liked the idea of time management. I think its also important to include requisite skills for a successful researcher and also support the idea of including not only the academic perspective of the research process, but also the perceptions and human relations component.

    Esau mneria Mengich
    Post count: 2

    I have to appreciate that EPE is still in progress, however, the benefits are already tangible and will even be insightful in the future when all scholars from the five nations finalize their inputs. It is an eye opener on who are the stakeholders in research and how we need to engage as we endeavor to attain a common goal. For now, it is a Think Tank office brainstorming- its findings shall be invaluable to the academic field.

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