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Tagged: models of supervision
lt was interesting to be exposed to different types of supervision. In the Humanities, we mostly rely on individual and co-supervision, with PG sudents attending workhops on disseration writing. The main aim of workshops is to support them on their writing and to expose them to what is being done by other students. I believe this approach works well though l am interested in seeing how group supervision works.
The powerpoint presentation provides great insights on the different models of supervision. in my institution, we are mostly exposed to one on one supervision as well as co-supervision models. the challenges that you shared above with the two models are common in my institution as well. what i appreciate in my institution is that experienced supervisors are encouraged to work with inexperienced (co-supervisor) ones to supervise a postgraduate study. however, i question the relationship between the two supervisors; how the two supervisors share duties and learn from each other, how they interact with the student creating rapport. i am just wondering if the main supervisor consciously sees that there is potential for learning from the inexperienced supervisor. on the other hand, if the inexperienced supervisor is confident that her/she can make a contribution in the learning process. in fact the question of hegemony between the two supervisors might come to play here.
my next question is with regard to panel supervision model. how many supervisors form what is called panel supervision? i am currently involved in supervising a Master’s project. there are three of us in the supervision panel and i being one of the co-supervisors. can i safely call that panel supervision model? nonetheless, the flaw that i now realise is that we did not share responsibilities from the beginning of the supervision process. as a result there is no consistency in our feedback provision. since i am not the main supervisor, i refrain from making major comments in the feedback. secondly, the three supervisors do not constantly discuss the research process. i think we need to improve on this!!! i am worried. as for the other models of supervision, i am not sure if they are being practised in my institution. fortunately for me i got an opportunity to observe practices of cohort supervision where my friends were students. so i would learn from them how they were being supervised and how they experienced the process.What, in your view, would the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor be within each of the models below?
1. Individual supervision, the supervisor will handle every aspect of the research and therefore plays the role of a mentor, teacher, of a manager as well as manage conflicts. Therefore, the supervisor is playing all the roles and responsibilities of supervsion.
2. Co-supervision, characterised by two supervisors and one student. Mainly, one experienced and a novice supoervisors. The novice supervisor assists the students while learning from the main supervisor. The main supervisor mentors to both the co-supervisor and the student. The main supervisor also manages the relationship in the supervivion process.
3. Team supervision is characterised by a team of supervisors on one student or a team of students. The supervisors mainly plays a role in guiding a student as they will be experts in their desciplines as well as learn from each other. Each supervisor is responsible for his area of expertise.In most cases,supervisors are not in one place. However, this type of supervision is important as it allows the student to learn from different experts in the discipline.
4. Panel supervision is when there are more supervisors. This will be a panel of experts in the filed or descipline. Each is responsible for a certain section of the research project. This might be methodolgy section, analysis sedction or literature section. The tole of the panel is to guide the student and teach the student.
5. Project supervision. This is whereby one supervisor or a group of supervisors guide a group of students in a project. The students might not neccessarily on the same level of study. This will help students to learn from each other while being guided and mentored by the supervisor/s. The supervisor also plays the role of a director, by directing the project and manages it as well.
6.Cohort supervision is when one supervisor supervises a small group of students in a project. This is mainly done guide, and manage a section of research based on expertise. It might be a methodology, or proposal guidance.
From the discussed supervision approaches, none of them is above the other. Each approach is important on its merit and on the purpose of research, expertise of supervisor(s) or at times the research descipline.What, in your view, would the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor be within each of the models below?
1. Individual supervision, the supervisor will handle every aspect of the research and therefore plays the role of a mentor, teacher, of a manager as well as manage conflicts. Therefore, the supervisor is playing all the roles and responsibilities of supervsion.
2. Co-supervision, characterised by two supervisors and one student. Mainly, one experienced and a novice supoervisors. The novice supervisor assists the students while learning from the main supervisor. The main supervisor mentors to both the co-supervisor and the student. The main supervisor also manages the relationship in the supervivion process.
3. Team supervision is characterised by a team of supervisors on one student or a team of students. The supervisors mainly plays a role in guiding a student as they will be experts in their desciplines as well as learn from each other. Each supervisor is responsible for his area of expertise.In most cases,supervisors are not in one place. However, this type of supervision is important as it allows the student to learn from different experts in the discipline.
4. Panel supervision is when there are more supervisors. This will be a panel of experts in the filed or descipline. Each is responsible for a certain section of the research project. This might be methodolgy section, analysis sedction or literature section. The tole of the panel is to guide the student and teach the student.
5. Project supervision. This is whereby one supervisor or a group of supervisors guide a group of students in a project. The students might not neccessarily on the same level of study. This will help students to learn from each other while being guided and mentored by the supervisor/s. The supervisor also plays the role of a director, by directing the project and manages it as well.
6.Cohort supervision is when one supervisor supervises a small group of students in a project. This is mainly done guide, and manage a section of research based on expertise. It might be a methodology, or proposal guidance.
From the discussed supervision approaches, none of them is above the other. Each approach is important on its merit and on the purpose of research, expertise of supervisor(s) or at times the research view on the role and responsibilities of the supervisor in different models of supervision
i don’t have experience with other models of supervision however, reading through them stimulated my thinking and interest to explore them in the future.
I want to comment on two models that I am familiar with as well as being exposed to them1.One -on-one- model. In this model the supervisor has time to study his/her supervisee. The supervisor able to understand the student’s learning needs,identify the gaps that students have and be able to provide proper guidance (eg personality, attitudes, learning challenges as well as funding issues etc).
2. Co-supervision. in this model the good working relationship between the supervisor is key for the benefit of the student. If there are disagreement or different views on student’s work they should discuss first before feedback is given to the student. Failure to do that may delay student’s progress or make the student to be attached to one supervisor and not listen to the other. The positive side of this model is that co-supervising brings different perspectives to supervision as two expertise are explored with the student. From my experience I saw this model working well as my main supervisor was most of the time too committed and sometimes my progress was bit delayed, but the co-supervisor played important role to ensure that the progress is maintain by giving constant feedback. What i liked is that the co-supervisor did not by pass the main supervisor whenever she provide me with feedback she will copy her.How might the model of supervision impact on the following:
1. Development of research design- If it’s one-on-one supervision the student can sometimes can get stuck if the opinion of the supervisor is not followed. But if it’s co-supervising the two supervisors can assist in guiding the student on which research design can he or she use
2. Securing funds- this depends on the nature of supervision relationship. If it is good in both the models the supervisors can assist the students in applying for funds or even securing them.
3. Feedback on writing- Again here it depends on the nature of the relationship between supervisors. However co-supervision is highly recommended because if one supervisor is failing or committed the other one will provide the student
4 Providing subject matter expertise. In this regard both methods have got impact, however co-supervision provide different perspectives and allows more exploration and other dimensions on the student’s topic
5. Quality assurance and compliance- Co-supervising has impact as the student’s work will be assessed objectively
6. Reporting progress- both models have impact in the reporting progress because both the supervisor evaluate the student and should all give their opinions regarding how the student performs and provide motivation if need be
7. Monitoring progress- both models has significant impact in monitoring the student’s work so that the student does not relax or take advantage
8. Selecting examiner- Co supervising neutralize the selection of the supervisor more so if the supervisors are not of the same institution.It was interesting to note the various models of supervision. Each has merits an demerits. The various rules and regulations by governing bodies is limiting us in Kenya. co-supervision and team supervision seems to work well with us. The number of supervisors is determined by fees charged on the student. The challenges of co-supervision and team supervision are closely related. There have cases of conflict between the supervisors or between one supervisor and the student. in some cases the student leans towards one supervisor and avoids the other as much as possible.
How to handle the case where one supervisor is quick to respond to the student while the other takes long to respond? How do we handle methodological differences between supervisors?Personally one of the co-supervisor for my MSc student never corrected the thesis. he was more interested in publication
I tie my answer to the question of the model of supervision I would you preferably apply to my specific context and its conditions. So that I’m deliberating confusing the issue of workability with that of liking.
The university lecturer in my environment is an overworked person. Her teaching load is incredible. The fact impacts on the quality of supervision in several ways. First, the rule at my university is that there must be two supervisors to a student. Getting time that is convenient for both members of this supervision team to sit down together with their student is a challenge on its own. (We are here assuming that the student’s availability is assured at all times. This is irrational since we know that most of our students are de facto Part Time students who hold regular jobs that enable them to pay their fees.) It can take something as minor as the failure, most likely for the very same reason of overwork, of one of the co-supervisors to be ready for a scheduled supervision consultation to trigger complications that will prove impossible to resolve. The power issues between the supervisors will become important, different attitudes towards the supervisors will be sown in the student, and, generally, all kinds of unhelpful feelings will come into play.
In this context, I would prefer single supervision. But I would also be very happy to have structured Workshops for the students in a cohort as this would expose the students to different ideas, different processes, and work up their enthusiasm for their studies.I have not used the other models apart from individual (one on one) and co-supervision and my comments will relate to that.
1. In my institution the One -on-one- model is only used to undergraduate students who some projects in their respective Programmes. It involves direct contact with the supervisee for learning and training purposes to undertake more advanced research should they go to postgraduate. It this case the supervisor aims at making the student understand the dynamics of the research process. I have not tried it at postgraduate training.
2. Co-supervision. This is the preferred model in my University, and I am familiar with. Here we have two designated supervisors for the student equally ranked. A good working relationship between the student and the two supervisors is critical to success for overall development of the supervisee. This model brings different strengths and knowledge/expert bases in supervision. It could be in areas of theory and methodology. Divergent views on student’s work are reconciled between supervisors before feedback to the student is given. Any conflict here results in delay of the student’s progression. From my experience this worked well during my studies at master’s and PhD levels and has served me well during my supervision work. Consensus is important here.How might the model of supervision impact on the following:
1. Development of research design- Co-supervision provides an opportunity for the student to maintain focus due to concerted guidance unlike the one on one model.
2. Securing funds- This depends on the area of study and specialization of supervisors and linkages. It adds value in securing funds for the student.
3. Feedback on writing- The relationship between supervisors is critical for progress in terms of time and availability schedules/dynamics.
4 Providing subject matter expertise. In this regard co-supervision provides different perspectives and allows more exploration and other dimensions on the student’s area of study
5. Quality assurance and compliance- Co-supervising has impact as the student’s work will be assessed objectively
6. Reporting progress- If harmonized reporting of progress complemented as the two supervisors evaluate the student and jointly give feedback students’ performance and can maintain learning momentum of the student
7. Monitoring progress- As the two work together there is pressure on the student to maximize effort in academic development.
8. Selecting examiner- Co-supervisors should be involved objectively.
By PROF. JAMIN MASINDEWhat, in your view, would the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor be within each of the models below?
Individual, one-on-one supervision:To assist my student to understand expectations for each of us. Mine is to guide, facilitate, direct, mentor, coach, manage, critique and examine student’s work.Co-supervisor: to share and learn from the other supervisor and assist the student to learn. This model is more applicable to me since it helps a novice supervisor to learn by doing and the experienced supervisor learn by sharing and doing.
this was a very insightful presentation. I knew very few models of supervision, however, now I know a lot. All models are good, loaded with advantages and disadvantages. choosing a model of supervision depends on different factors, for example: the nature of the research, disciplines involved in the research etc.
each model impacts on stages of research process. For example, individual model of supervision requires that one supervisor attends to all the tasks, as such reporting of progress, monitoring of progress and selecting examiners are responsibilities of one supervisor. There is no conflict of ideas and expertise.
However, from team supervision, co-supervision, panel supervision and project supervision there is division of task, this makes individual work easier because as a supervisor you focus only on your part and not on the whole.
which model is the best? I have experience with individual and co-supervision. A model is the best if it fits the purpose of the research. this means that they are all best models.Having gone through the slides has really enriched and provided insights in models that Im not familiar with and are rarely used if ever in my university discipline context.Even with co-supervision that is the dominant model in my departmental context there are possibilities that the candidate is more in a one-to-one model where a student plays ‘avoidant’ of one supervisor and works more with just the other. Of course they lose the benefit envisaged with co-supervision but may avoid open conflicts where the ‘chemistry’ with one of the supervisors does not work. Co-supervision can also in reality get into group supervision but unofficial. This happens where a candidate is equally consulting other willing but unofficial supervisors.
I have experience with co-supervision.I think this gives the student a chance to have alternative view points. In some cases it may be a challenge to a student if they get conflicting directions from supervisors. There is therefore a need for supervisors to talk to each other on the students work other than each deal directly with the student without knowledge of what is being said.Models of supervision
This session has been useful for introducing models of supervision that are new to me and rarely if ever used in the context of my department. The co-supervision is the dominant model in my context. This allows the PG to have alternative views in their work which is an advantage. But in reality can also be one-on-one where a PG play avoidant with the alternative supervisor and ends up with just one voice unofficially. It can also be unofficial group supervision where student consults beyond the two who are appointed. -
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