Creating Postgraduate Collaborations › Forums › CPC Supervision Development Course › Module 2 › Module 2, Session 4: EPE resources’ assessment
There are many online resources to support supervisors and postgraduate students. In this session, you are requested to visit the website and take a look at what is available there.
You are then asked to post a forum message in which you indicate which resource was particularly useful for your context, or which you believed was not applicable, or what particular materials you might be willing to add to this open access resource.
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Apparently all the 12 resources seem useful especially in guiding postgrad students from conceptualising their research to dissemination. Probably I would add some resources on: writing for publication; plagiarism; and, career paths.
Great website. A lot of useful information! I agree with Susan regarding ”academic publishing or writing an academic article”. What might be added is academic English writing information, also conflict resolution and management, alternative career paths for people with a PhD, time and project management tools, the importance of presenting your research to varied audiences (with some great presentation advice or how to present in powerpoint), fake science and how to avoid it. It would be nice if this website would also enable students to read professor’s experiences during their PhD in some blog posts, or what they were struggling with and where are they know. I found it very encouraging to read about successful female professors who balance work and life exceptionally. These women are mothers, full professors, engaged in various international networks, and who have great stories to tell how they managed to get where they are despite various challenges. Bottom line, a blog where experiences (between students and professors) are shared would be useful. It is important that students realise they are not alone in their struggles (whatever these might be).
All the resources are resourceful in that they focus on the student as well as the supervisor. And even if the material focus is to help a student, it is good that a supervisor is also familiar with such materials which can be used and can come in handy when guiding the student.
Suggestion: Add materials on information literacy as well as those that deal with academic writing-Joining a conversation and contributing to knowledge as Prof Sioux puts it. Very insightful session on why academic writing is so hard!
The resources presented are enormous and all are relevant to a supervisors (and students also), helping him to guides the students effectively through different stages of research journal. I have not finished going through all the resources therein, but the much I have delved into are very resourceful. For instance, academic writing and publication, research designs, presentation skills, use of mendeley, giving feedback as supervisor, formatting thesis, research toolkit, among many others.
My favourite was using mendeley with hands-on skills illustrated making academic writing and referencing easier than the traditional paper and pen referencing. My second favourite was probably one of predatory journals making it clear to identify such journals and therefore refraining from publishing in such.
These are resources that will be helpful to me and my students for sure. I don’t think there is one that is not helpful because it depends on the student I am supervising, and the stage they are in in their academic and research journey.
All the resources are important, useful and relevant for both the supervisors and students. To a large extent they simplify what students would be grappling with in a research methodology course and it makes the whole enterprise practical and exciting.
Enhancing Postgraduate Environments Resources, this is very insightful session and play a crucial role in research journey. I recommended that all resource are important and useful to supervisor and student. Though it is not possible to use all of them at once but all are important when writing a thesis.
Materials that I might be willing to add to this open access resource are the one that I have leant under information literacy session.Very useful website. My colleague and I have pointed it out to a new MSc student and recommended as a start to look at the three 2 minute Tips. Also the video on working with literature is very useful – this is something many students struggle with. Thanks for this resource!
I found the idea of a reading journal really helpful. I already emphasise reading skills and ask MA students in my class to produce a literature review, but I like how the reading journal helps students to enter into better conversation with the authors they’re reading and find their own ‘voice’ as scholars. It could be a good tool for helping get them acclimated to the practice.
Some of the lessons on structuring the thesis and refining thesis statements also look like helpful resources.
Lots of people appear to be appreciating the EPE website which is good news. Sandra, you mention the need for some ‘academic English’ resources. Next week, we will deal with writing in the CPC course. If you follow what is said you will see that writing is not so much a matter of commanding the actual language, English, and more about mastering the act of writing itself. There are lots of resources about the practices we need to master in order to be successful academic writers on EPE. We’d be very interested to hear more of your views on ‘academic English’ at the end of next week.
EPE website is very useful to both students and supervisors. I have listened to the video on marching-text software viz a viz plagiarism. I find it useful when judging how much similarities with other work to be accepted in a thesis/project.
EPE website is very useful to both students and supervisors. I have listened to the video on marching-text software viz a viz plagiarism. I find it useful when judging how much similarities with other work to be accepted in a thesis/project.
I find the website to be useful for me as a novice researcher and for supervision. The ones that stand out for me are finding a relevant journal, writing to publish, thesis writing and the importance of peer-reviewing. Material on the website speaks directly to the needs of postgraduate scholars and those who want to develop their skill in academic writing.
I have looked at the resources on offer and found them very useful! I must commend the structure given and the order that was followed in providing guidance to the postgraduate sojourners- students and their supervisors, in the main! I was also particular attracted to the philosophy of social justice as its implications demand of the providers of such level of education to work away from the traditional template! Although the task of engaging with what amounts to disciplinary (multi/inter/ trans) is likely to be too onerous, how I wish this aspect of supervision as well as postgraduate studies could also be given some space!
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